Articles usually end with a new releases list, but I’m experimenting with them as a feature this week. I’ve also included a sentence or two that reflects how each release makes me feel, which better serves the artist and music lovers than saying something is “good” or “bad” as a review. Leave a comment with your thoughts on the new format and/or the music — would love to hear them.
Please invite a friend to follow Herizon Music and discover new talent and chat about the issues that affect female music makers and their fans.
In This Issue
New Music From Women We Love
Save June 25th - First Online Meetup!
Video Conferencing Poll
New Music From Women We Love
If you’ve posted a new release (single, EP or album) and it isn’t featured, please email me your name, home state/country, genre, YouTube link, and Amazon link.
Use the “BUY” links below to purchase music and merch. It’s the best way to support musicians outside of buying show tickets. Plus, Herizon Music gets a wee (and I’m talking the most tiny wee possible) commission from your purchase. Thank you!
Thea Wood Productions, LLC is an Amazon Associate that earns from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.
“The Arena” by Lily Enos, New Jersey
single, electronica disco
Wait for the crescendo, which comes later in the song than expected. It’s 100% worth it! Lily Enos’s music is captivating, I’m excited to see her on stage.
“The Little Things” by Wendy Colonna, Texas
single, soulful americana
Wendy Colonna released this song for Mother’s Day for obvious reasons. It will tug at your heartstrings and inspire you to call a mother figure (or child figure) you love.
“BSG” by RiFFiNDoTs (Britta Pejic), Maine
single, psychedelic pop
Grab your frisbee and jean jacket and listen to this groovy vibe on your way to the weekend pool party. (What exactly is a riffindot? Do we pop one before Britta Pejic’s show?)
Canciónes Sobre La Vida y La Muerte by Leti Garza, Texas
album, latin folk
Leti Garza’s collection of English and Spanish Songs About Life & Death is a rich tapestry of heritage that takes you on a romantic trip south of the border.
“Hold The World Away” by Kris Schultz, Texas
single, acoustic americana
Kris Schultz has a way of touching your soul with her minimalism. This video was shot at the Austin Kite Festival for a live series called “Songs In Places.”
Save The Date: June 25th
The next Herizon Music Meetup is going online for the first time. For the past 18 months, we hosted these quarterly gatherings in Austin, TX. Now that we are almost 800 strong from all over the country (with some treasured international fans sprinkled in), it’s time to open up the doors to everyone. More details and registration coming soon!
Just like the newsletter, topics are presented and viewed through the female lens.
WHEN: Tuesday, June 25th at 1pm ET / 12pm CT (add to your calendar!)
WHERE: Online (see poll below)
TOPIC: GAGA Journaling for Creative Excellence
You made it to the end! This publication is 100% dedicated to featuring women in music and the issues that affect them and their fans. If you like what you read and want to help fill a void where mass media fails, please consider becoming a paid monthly subscriber.
As always, thank you for joining our band of dreamers, rule breakers, and rockstars!
Thea 🎶 💛🧡❤️💜
June 25th is saved in the calendar! Can't wait!
Ha ha!! Your definition for a Riffindot is Waaaaaaay better than mine!! Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️