Radhika Vekaria: GRAMMY Nominee With A Healing Touch
Today’s guest is on her way to the 2025 GRAMMYS with a nomination in the Best New Age, Ambient or Chant Album category for her release “Warriors of Light.” Her Indian, East African and British roots inspire her chant-centric music composed with the purpose of spiritual, physical, and emotional healing.
As she likes to say: “I don’t make music for you to see me. I make music for you to see yourself.”
As a singer and multi-instrumentalist, she’s collaborated with Prince, Eddie Palmieri, Enrique Iglesias, Shoshana Bean, producer Jeff Koons, and more.
She is now the voice for Chopra Yoga, a new game based on Deepak Chopra’s Laws of Manifestation.
She’s the voice who liberates, elevates and calibrates us! Meet Radhika Vekaria.
In This Episode
The unexpected person who derailed her path to Oxford/Cambridge medical school
How music healed a life-long affliction
Hear a song clip for “Release Your Fears” from the new album Warriors of Light
Learn a mantra for calming and recalibrating when you feel stressed out
What is sound coaching and how does it work
Plus Rashida’s answers to the Shakedown Questions!
Recorded in January 2024.
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Buy Radhika Vekaria’s music on Amazon.
Website and social media links (radhikavekaria.com)
Guest: Radhika Vekaria
Song: “Release Your Fears” by Radhika Vekaria
Host: Thea Wood
Listen to other episodes of Herizon Music: The Podcast.
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