Susan Rogers' chat was so informative that we split it into two episodes. This is Part 2, where Susan talks about
* Her teachings/research at Berklee College of Music.
* The differences in working with men and women
* What happens to your career when your "eggs" are about to expire
* How women and men are physically and psychologically impacted differently (and sometimes the same!) by music, and the conscious decisions artists/engineers/producers make as a result.
* She also answers audience questions!
This episode was recorded remotely using Zoom.
This was recorded under Herizon Music’s previous name, “Backstage Chats with Women in Music”
We'd like to thank our friends at Via313 Pizzeria for supporting this podcast.
If you like what we're doing and want to help us amplify the voices and careers of women in music, please donate today. Your gift helps our programs, including scholarship grants for teen girls in need who want to attend music and sound camps. Learn more about Backstage Chats Foundation.
Photo credits:
Sign o’ the Times tour, 1987 — Ruud Schouten
Odds, Vancouver, 1991 — Doug Elliott
In New Zealand
Red Bull Music Academy, 2016
Headshot — Jandro Cisneros
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